Custom Systems for Packaging Peel Testing
ADMET recently designed and built a pair of peel testing systems for two customers who each needed a customized system that would perform peel [...]
ADMET recently designed and built a pair of peel testing systems for two customers who each needed a customized system that would perform peel [...]
ASTM F88-94 Package Peel Tensile Strength is summarized below. This specification is focused on the force required to pull open a seam of a package. It is vital to protect the contents of a package, especially when the package contains sterilized medic...
Virtually every ASTM and ISO adhesive testing standard, including ASTM D903 and ASTM D3330, requires that each test be repeated on at least 5 specimens. Peel testing procedures usually consist of attaching each specimen to a substrate, loading the prep...
The floating roller peel test is one of many types of tests designed to measure the average peel force of an adhesive or other bonding agent. The other common peel tests are the 90 degree, 180 degree, and T-Peel. Although not suitable ...
If you seek to learn about the ASTM D1876 T-Peel adhesive peel test, please read this article. This page assumes you understand the test and you already own an an ADMET universal testing machine. If your machine came preloaded from the...
Various medical and adhesive manufacturers follow ASTM and ISO testing standards before bringing surgical tape to market. The pressure-sensitive adhesive tape goes through a rigorous [...]
Pressure sensitive tape is used in a variety of products and applications including: electrical tape, douple sided tape, masking tape, duct tape, packaging, bandages, medical devices, and much more. ASTM D3330 describes six methods used to test the ad...
ASTM F2256 describes in detail how to prepare and test tissue adhesives. This standard describes the methods used to compare and characterize different types of adhesives and for manufacturing quality control of the tissue adhesive based medical d...
This video shows a 90 degree adhesive peel strength test on an ADMET eXpert 7601 universal testing machine (tensile testing machine). We fit the eXpert 7601 with our 90 degree peel strength fixture and one vise grip on the top crosshead to h...
Peel strength, the average force required to separate two bonded materials from one another, is a property applicable to various industries including aerospace, automotive, adhesives, [...]