Torsion testing system configured specifically for automotive components
The eXpert 9000 Torsion Tester is capable of performing a wide range of torsion tests on automotive components to determine their physical properties and expected lifetime. To ensure that components will meet their specified life cycle, they must be tested in conditions that simulate or exceed those they will encounter in the real world.
Customizable Temperature Controlled Environment
High and low temperature cyclic testing is an essential part of predicting how an automotive component will perform after years of use. Using a fatigue capable torsion tester equipped with an environmental chamber, thermal cycling and accelerated life testing are possible. Our customizable environmental chambers also offer humidity control if desired.
Precise Computer Controlled Testing
With our PC-based MTESTQuattro controller, users can program complex multi-stage test procedures to simulate the exact function of the component in the application. In addition, MTESTQuattro has the ability to trigger an external device during a test through one of three outputs. This is helpful for users who want to integrate items such as cameras, digital image correlation systems, or any device that can accept a TTL.
Highly Configurable Test Frames
At ADMET, our engineers will take the time to properly diagnose your testing needs and work with you to find a solution that fits your requirements. Our eXpert 9000 static and fatigue torsion testers are available in both vertical and horizontal configurations with various force capacities. A wide range of grips, chucks, and fixturing can also be customized based on your application. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve your torsion testing goals.
- eXpert 9000 automotive component torsion tester
- Environmental chamber moving into position on an eXpert 9000
- Customizable temperature controlled environmental options
- Configurable test frames based on user preferences
- Computer controlled system exceeds ASTM and ISO standards for accuracy