Fatigue testing system configured specifically for testing orthopedic devices
Orthopedic implants are subject to rigorous endurance tests to ensure that they exceed specified life requirements. ADMET offers the eXpert 1900 servohydraulic and eXpert 5900 electromechanical dynamic testers capable of performing multi-million-cycle tests at ASTM and ISO specified frequencies. ADMET also offers fixtures and fluid baths which enable you to test a full range of implants under various environmental conditions.
eXpert 1900 series and 5900 series machines are commonly employed to perform the following ASTM and ISO tests:
- eXpert 5955 for dynamic orthopedic testing
eXpert 5952 Testing System equipped with the MTESTQuattro Materials Testing System
ASTM F1717 Spinal Implant Testing
ASTM F2077 Body Fusion Device Testing
eXpert 5900 Fatigue Tester with Ball Flex Fixture for Fabric
ADMET Articles:
- Knee Joint Prosthesis Mechanical Testing & Equipment
- Testing Solutions for Medical Device Consultants
- ADMET System Provided More Control for Biomedical Company
- How Materials Testing Meets International Regulations for the Medical Device Market
- MIT Researchers Working to Develop Biomimetic Medical Adhesive
- Compact table-top design
- Perform orthopedic fatigue testing with easy to use, preconfigured software
- Exceed ASTM and ISO standards for accuracy
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