High force, high frequency fatigue testing for rigid components
Lifecycle testing of robust components and assemblies is crucial for many manufacturers, especially in the automobile and aerospace industries. ADMET’s eXpert 1900 series servohydraulic fatigue testing machines allow these manufacturers to better understand and quantify the fatigue life (also called endurance life) for their materials, parts, or assemblies. Designed for testing rigid materials like metals, composites, and plastics, an eXpert 1900 testing system with a DC1x or MTESTQuattro controller can help engineers and testing technicians generate r-N or S-N curves. These curves plot the number of cycles until failure for a particular part based on a range of strain amplitudes (r-N curve) or stress amplitudes (S-N curve).
MTESTQuattro can be programmed to generate sine, square and triangular waveforms. Users can manually adjust control gains and end point values on the fly or activate amplitude control so that the controller automatically adjusts the end point values to ensure that the dynamic fatigue testing systems desired targets are met.
The DC1x controller is an ideal, cost-effective solution for basic cyclic fatigue testing applications. It is compatible with all ADMET servo-hydraulic and electro-mechanical dynamic test systems and can also be retrofitted to a wide variety of testing systems from other providers. It provides basic sine, square and triangle waveforms.
Relevant ASTM fatigue testing standards include:
- ASTM D3479 Standard Test Method for Tension-Tension Fatigue of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
- ASTM D7774 Standard Test Method for Flexural Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7791 Standard Test Method for Uniaxial Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM E468 Standard Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materials
- ASTM E739 Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linearized Stress-Life (S-N) and Strain-Life (ε-N) Fatigue Data
- ASTM E1012 Standard Practice for Verification of Testing Frame and Specimen Alignment Under Tensile and Compressive Axial Force Application
- ASTM E1823 Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
- Set up for hip implant fatigue testing
- Custom eXpert 1900 servohydraulic fatigue system
- eXpert 1900 ready for fatigue testing
- eXpert 1900 with tension grips and extensometer
- Can operate at testing frequencies of 40Hz and beyond when paired with our DC1x Controller
- Hydraulic Power Unit – sized specific to your testing application based on load, displacement, testing frequency, etc.
- Options for various base plate sizes and types (t-slot, tapped hole) to help users mount large or oddly shaped test specimens
- Can also be configured with an environmental chamber to test at high and low temperatures
- Exceeds ASTM and ISO standards for accuracy