Tissue Engineering & Mechanobiology Mechanical Testing Solutions
Tissue engineering applies the principles of biology and engineering to the development of functional substitutes for damaged tissue. Mechanobiology provides insights into tissue physiology, disease development and relevant therapeutic strategies by understanding how mechanical forces induce changes at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels. These two fields focus heavily on how physical forces and changes in the mechanical properties of cells and tissues contribute to development, cell differentiation, physiology, and disease. Thus, mechanical testing is an integral part of advancements in these emerging fields.
ADMET testing systems are trusted by leading medical device manufacturers, universities, and research laboratories to determine the mechanical properties and endurance limits of medical devices, biomaterials, tissues, and tissue-engineered products. Our systems designed for tissue engineering and mechanobiology applications incorporate mechanical testing solutions that mimic the physiological conditions of the specimen. In addition, ADMET has become a world leader in miniature test systems that sit atop a microscope stage and fit inside perfusion bioreactors. These sophisticated miniature test systems help tissue engineers and cell biologists perform high resolution investigations in mechanobiology.
What mechanical testing equipment do I need for tissue engineering and mechanobiology?
To perform mechanical testing for tissue engineering and mechanobiology applications, you will need a testing frame equipped with a closed-loop controller and the appropriate test fixture to clamp the test specimen. Mechanical testing frames utilized for tissue and biomaterials may incorporate environmental chambers, fluid baths, and microscopes. The type of testing system required will be dependent on the type of test(s) performed and the required calculations.
Tissue Engineering Testing Systems
eXpert 4000 – MicroTester Universal Testing Machine
The eXpert 4000 series MicroTesters measure very low forces and small displacements on biomaterials and tissue specimens that can often be difficult to hold.
eXpert 4000 – MicroTester Equipped with Environmental Bath
Most of ADMET’s material testing systems (including MicroTesters) can be configured for testing in fluid baths to replicate the desired environment.
eXpert 4900 – MicroTester Fatigue Testing Machine
The eXpert 4900 is designed for measuring the viscoelastic properties of tissue specimens.
eXpert 8000 – Planar Biaxial Testing Machine
ADMET’s eXpert 8000 planar biaxial test machines are ideal for measuring the mechanical response of biomaterials under different stress states.
eXpert 8600 – Axial Torsion Testing Machine
The expert 8600 can apply a simultaneous axial and torsional load and can be equipped with a temperature-controlled bath and specialized fixturing.
Tissue Engineering Testing Accessories and Fixtures
Accessories – Temperature-Controlled Fluid Bath
ADMET environmental baths allow testing in a variety of different mediums at controlled temperatures and can be equipped to most ADMET material testing solutions.
Accessories – Microscope Compatibility or Digital Microscope
ADMET MicroTesters can be designed to perform testing atop an existing microscope stage (often SEM). Additionally, they can be equipped with a digital microscope for recording specimens.
Accessories – Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Package
ADMET DIC system is a fully integrated solution that provides 2D or 3D strain and displacement data for a complete analysis of a specimen’s strain field.
Mechanobiology Testing Systems
BioTense – Perfusion Bioreactor
The BioTense Perfusion Bioreactor is a next-generation instrument to help tissue engineers and cell biologists perform high-resolution investigations in mechanobiology. Unique to the BioTense is its ability to apply uniaxial mechanical stimulation and directly observe cell/matrix interaction at high magnification over long periods of time. It can sit atop an XYZ stage of an inverted microscope.
Do you require a customized testing solution?
ADMET Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology Testing Videos
All ADMET test systems exceed accuracy standards and perform orthopedic implant tests according to ASTM and ISO standards for tension, compression, bend, torsion, axial-torsion, static, and fatigue testing. Check out our tissue engineering and mechanobiology playlist below (Click on the top right playlist icon to view all of relevant videos).