ASTM D429 | Rubber | Adhesion Strength
ASTM D429 is a testing specification that includes eight test methods for testing the static adhesion strength of rubber to rigid materials. Methods A, B, C, D, and E are used for obtaining comparative adhesion test data and Methods A, B, C, and D are applicable to testing end products in which rubber is used for controlling vibration.
Method A: Rubber part assembled between two parallel metal plates- Determines adhesion values and test the effectiveness of different processing techniques and different adhesive systems.
Method B: 90 degree stripping test – Rubber part assembled to one metal plate- Determines the adhesive strength of rubber-to-metal bonding agents.
Method C: Measuring adhesion of rubber-to-metal with a conical specimen- Provides data for the development and control of bonding systems and components.
Method D: Adhesion test: Post-vulcanization (PV) of bonding of rubber to metal- Determines the strength of adhesion of rubber to metal when the bond is formed after rubber has been vulcanized.
Method E: 90 degree stripping test- Rubber tank lining- assembled to one metal plate- Determines the adhesive strength of rubber tank lining to tank wall.
Method F: Rubber part assembled between two parallel convex-shaped metal plates- Determines the adhesive strength of rubber-to-metal bonding agents.
Method G: Measuring bond durability for rubber-to-metal bonded components with a double shear cylindrical specimen- Determines the relative bond durability between various adhesives.
Method H: Measuring bond durability of rubber-to-metal bonded components with quadruple lap shear specimen- Same as Method G except that no fixture imparting the shear stress is required, only a simple block inserted into the test piece once the pre-strain has been applied.
Before conducting ASTM D429, it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant ASTM publication.
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- eXpert 5601- ASTM D429 Method B
- eXpert 5601 – ASTM D429 Method B
ASTM D429 | Rubber | Adhesion Strength
Method A- Rubber part assembled between two parallel metal plates
- Prepare the test specimens as described in the method.
- Zero the load and position.
- Apply tensile force at the specified rate until rubber separates from the metal surface or ruptures.
- Record the total force at failure.
Method B- 90 degree stripping test – Rubber part assembled to one metal plate
- Prepare the test specimens and place it symmetrically in the jaws attached to the fixed grip with the separating edge toward the operator, as described in the method.
- Zero the load and position.
- Apply a steady load at the rate specified in the standard until separation.
- Record the adhesion value.
Method C- Measuring adhesion of rubber-to-metal with a conical specimen
- Prepare the test specimens and place it symmetrically in the grips, as described in the method.
- Zero the load and position.
- Apply tensile force at the specified rate until rubber separates from the metal surface or ruptures.
- Record the total force at failure.
Method D- Adhesion test: Post-vulcanization (PV) of bonding of rubber to metal
- Prepare the test specimens as described in the method.
- Attach the bonded assembly to the testing machine with the appropriate fixturing.
- Apply force until the bonded assembly ruptures.
- Record the adhesion value.
Method E- 90 degree stripping test- Rubber tank lining- assembled to one metal plate
- Prepare the test specimens and place it symmetrically in the jaws attached to the fixed grip with the separating edge toward the operator, as described in the method.
- Zero the load and position.
- Apply a steady load at the rate specified in the standard until separation.
- Record the adhesion value.
Method F- Rubber part assembled between two parallel convex-shaped metal plates
- Prepare the test specimens as described in the standard.
- Mount the specimens in the threaded grips.
- Zero the load and position.
- Apply tensile force at the specified rate until rubber separates from the metal surface or ruptures.
- Record the adhesion value.
Method G- Measuring bond durability for rubber-t0-metal bonded components with a double shear cylindrical specimen
- Prepare the specimens as described in the standard.
- Pull one test specimen from each molded bath to determine the 100% adhesion prior to immersion.
- Place the bonded test specimens in the test fixture with the chosen %strain and begin the oxygen bubbling at the selected rate.
- Measure the amount of debound and the corresponding time.
Method H- Measuring bond durability of rubber-to-metal bonded components with quadruple lap shear specimen
- Follow the steps outlined in Method G with the exception of a fixture for imparting the shear stress, only a block inserted into the test piece once the pre-strain has been applied.
ASTM D429 | Rubber | Adhesion Strength
ASTM D429 | Recommended Equipment |
Testing System | |
Fixturing |
Accessories |