ISO 13910 | Timber | Flexural Testing
ISO 13910 contains several test methods to evaluate the physical properties of sawn timber. Test methods within the specification include flexure, compression, tension, shear, and torsion testing. The bending strength and stiffness test setup involves a four-point bend fixture. Tension and compression tests described include methods where the force applied is parallel to the grain as well as perpendicular to the grain. Shear testing includes two methods, Method A and Method B. Method A is a test setup for measuring the shear strength parallel to the grain using a bending test arrangement whereas Method B measures the shear strength with glued steel plates. The torsional test is for measuring shear rigidity of timber in torsion.
This page includes the procedure for bend testing described in the standard. Before conducting ISO 13910, it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant ISO publication. For the ASTM equivalent, click here to read further about ASTM D198.
ISO 13910 | Timber | Flexural Testing
- Prepare your test specimen in accordance with the standard, noting all relevant histories of the treatment, conditioning, etc. of the wood specimen that could affect its strength.
- Adjust the flexure fixture in accordance with the specimen size and desired purpose of the testing.
- Insert the test specimen into the flexure fixture.
- Apply the flexure load to the specimen at the constant rate of speed defined in the standard.
- Continue the test until failure, while recording load & deflection data at first failure, maximum load, and other points of sudden change.
- Bending Strength
- Bending Stiffness
- Modulus of Elasticity
ISO 13910 | Timber | Flexural Testing
ISO 13910 | Recommended Equipment |
Testing System | |
Fixturing |