ASTM E646 | Metals | Strain Hardening Exponent
ASTM E646 describes the determination of the tensile strain-hardening exponent (n-value) of metallic sheet materials exhibiting a continuous stress-strain curve in the plastic region. The metallic samples tested by this method should have thicknesses of at least 0.005 in (0.13 mm) but not greater than 0.25 in (6.4 mm). The stress-strain data is obtained in a uniaxial tension test. The displacement or strain is applied in a continuous and rate-controlled manner while the normal tensile load and strain are monitored.
The strain-hardening exponent quantifies the increase in hardness and strength caused by plastic deformation. This method is useful for estimating the strain at the onset of necking in a uniaxial tension test. Please note that the n-value may vary with the displacement rate or strain rate used, depending on the metal and test temperature.
Before conducting ASTM E646, it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant ASTM publication.
ASTM E646 | Metals | Strain Hardening Exponent
- Prepare the test samples. Measure and record the thickness and the width of the reduced section of the specimen.
- Place the specimen in the tensile grips and attach the extensometer.
- Apply the load at a constant speed as specified in the standard.
- Record the load and the corresponding strain for at least five equally spaced levels of strain.
- Strain-hardening exponent (n-value)
- True Stress
- True Strain
- Strength Coefficient
ASTM E646 | Metals | Strain Hardening Exponent
- Figure 1 – Stress-Strain Curve
- Tensile specimen pulled to fracture. Depicts region where necking occurred
ASTM E646 | Metals | Strain Hardening Exponent
ASTM E646 | Recommended Equipment |
Testing System | |
Fixturing | |
Accessories |