Gauge Buster 3 is ADMET’s third generation American-made digital indicator for use with manual testing machines. When paired with a load cell or a pressure transducer, Gauge Buster 3 accurately displays live load, maximum load, live stress, and maximum stress and can also be used to generate and store load/stress versus time curves.
Gauge Buster 3 Indicator
Users benefit from upgrading their manual concrete testing machines with the Gauge Buster 3 for tests that require load rate verification and control. Gauge Buster 3 calculates the actual load or stress rate and displays the load rate and stress rate numerically or with a bar graph (see below). Concrete test methods commonly performed with the Gauge Buster 3 include ASTM C39, ASTM C78, ASTM C109, and ASTM C293.
Gauge Buster 3 Display
Gauge Buster 3 is offered in a compact rugged enclosure and may be ordered in a portable case. Some features include Auto-Test-Reset mode for hands free operation, Sample Break Detector to define the end of the test and turn the machine pump off, and permanent storage of test data. In addition, with GaugeSafe Data Exchange software, users may easily transfer test results and calibration data into database programs.
NEW: Gauge Buster 3 Auto-Zero Feature
The new Auto-Zero feature was designed for applications where the Gauge Buster 3 is used with top-acting concrete testing machines. These commonly used concrete testing machines have springs installed in the piston assembly to return the piston to its mechanical stop. As the piston is extended, the springs are elongated and apply load not actually seen by the specimen to the load weighing system. The Auto-Zero feature for the Gauge Buster 3 automatically tares/removes this errant load from the logged data when the platen touches the sample, increasing the accuracy of the measurement.
How do top-acting concrete testing machines work?
Top-acting concrete testing machines are manual testing machines with a top-acting hydraulically actuated piston. In order to retract the piston up (against gravity) to its mechanical stop, tension springs are installed on either side of the piston. Prior to a test, if the force is tared/zeroed at the mechanical stop or if there is a gap between the compression platen and the test sample, the force readings will increase when the piston is pushed downward equal to the increasing spring tension. If the gap between the compression platen is large enough, this can result in measured compressive strength readings much higher than the actual strength of the material. One way to eliminate this error is to push the piston down to just before the compression platen touches the sample and tare/zero the force. This requires a well trained and alert operator to ensure force errors introduced by increasing spring tension are not introduced. For high throughput testing applications, it is unreasonable to expect an operator to properly perform the taring function prior to each test.
Top-acting actuator with tension springs on a Concrete Testing Machine that uses Gauge Buster 3 with the Auto-Tare function to tare logged data. The springs are shown by the arrows.
How does a Gauge Buster 3 upgrade top-acting concrete testing machines?
Connect the load transducer of the concrete testing machine to the Gauge Buster 3 to benefit from features such as:
- Auto-Zero Feature: Tares loads exerted by the machine springs when the platen touches the sample, increasing the accuracy of the measurement
- Auto-Test-Reset: Automatically start the next test without requiring operator interaction
- Bar Graph Load Display & Pointer: Shows the load rate during test for load verification and control
- Sample Break Detector: Defines the end of the test and automatically turns the machine pump off
- Storage of Test Results: Store 2,000 test results to permanent memory. Results include Date, Time, Specimen ID#, Maximum Load, Maximum Stress, Average Load Rate plus a statistical summary of each
- Additional test information fields and calculations: Operator ID#, Specimen Weight, Specimen Age and Cylinder Cap Type and Yield by Halt of the Pointer calculation
- Storage of Test Methods: Store up to 6 test methods to permanent memory and re-run tests with the press of a key. Test methods enable the user to define and store cylinder, beam and cube test procedures to memory.
If you’re looking to add a digital indicator to an existing machine, contact us today and see how we can help you!
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