Our eXpert 8900 Dynamic Axial-Torsion Tester is an ideal solution for performing fatigue testing samples that require both an axial and torsional load.

The 8600 Static and 8900 Dynamic Axial-Torsion testers both come equipped with our MTESTQuattro controller, a powerful PC-based solution that gives you complete control over your test methods.  Both systems feature high torsional rigidity and have oil-free linear and rotary actuators to allow for clean room operation.  They feature unlimited torsion actuator rotation, wide column spacings, and large actuator strokes for maximum flexibility.

We also offer a full range of grips, fixtures, and accessories for all our machines.  Additionally, an optional fluid bath with heating and cooling is available so you can produce your desired testing environment.  A variety of low-force load and axial-torsion transducers are available to match the amount of force you need.

If you’d like more information on ADMET’s products, call us at (800) 667-3220 or submit an online Sales Inquiry.

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