We’ve recently added two videos to our Youtube collection.  These videos go over a couple of popular medical device testing standards, ASTM F1717 and F2077.


ASTM F1717 is a standard designed to test spinal implants.  This video includes demonstrations of the axial torsion and compression fatigue sections of the standard performed by our eXpert 9900 and eXpert 5955 test frames, respectively.  Also included are the live test outputs from ADMET’s MTESTQuattro controller software.  F1717 also includes a static compression bending and static tension bending component not shown in this video.


The F2077 standard is for testing body fusion devices.  This video features the ACDF dynamic torsion test and ACDF static torsion performed by an eXpert 9900 as well as the dynamic compression testing component on an eXpert 5955.  The live MTESQuattro screens are also shown.  F2077 also has a static compression testing component not featured in this video.

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