We’ve recently introduced a new section to our website dedicated to helping people learn how ADMET technology can meet the testing standards they face in their daily operations.  In our new Testing Standards page, we have several standards listed with each leading to tailored pages that convey our understanding of the testing standard in question.  Each page features our recommendations for machines, controllers, and accessories best suited for meeting that particular standard.  We will be adding many more testing standards in the future, so check back frequently!

Currently, you can find information on these testing standards:

Dogbone samples mounted in grips for ASTM D412

Dogbone samples mounted in grips for ASTM D412

ASTM D412 – Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers – Tension

ASTM D412 covers the testing of tensile properties of thermoset rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers. The specification describes two test methods: A and B. Method A is common and can be performed on a universal testing machine (tensile testing machine). This is a quick summary to decide if this test is right for you and to point out what equipment you need to perform the test.

ASTM D624 – Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers

ASTM D624 is a testing standard for measuring the tear strength of thermoset rubbers, thermoplastic elastomers, and silicones.  This standard describes multiple different types of sample shapes that can be tested in a standard universal testing machine (tensile testing machine).  Usually materials that are tested to D624 are also tested according to specification ASTM D412 to measure the tensile strength and elongation.

ASTM D638 – Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics

ASTM D638 is one of the most common plastic strength specifications and covers the tensile properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics.  This test method uses standard “dogbone” shaped specimens under 14mm of thickness.  A universal testing machine (tensile testing machine) is needed to perform this test.

ASTM D790 – Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials

ASTM D790 is one of the most commonly used specifications in the plastics industry.  This test measures the flexural strength and flexural modulus of reinforced and unreinforced plastics.  These calculations relate to the stiffness of your material and allow you to choose materials that do not bend when supporting the loads you require for your application.  The test uses a universal testing machine and a three point bend fixture to bend plastic test bars to acquire the data needed to make the calculations.

Close up of pneumatic grips for ASTM D882

Close up of pneumatic grips for ASTM D882

ASTM D882 – Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting

One of the most common specifications that our customers follow is ASTM D882, the Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting. This test is very similar to ASTM D638 test whereby plastic material is pulled until it breaks in order to measure elongation, tensile modulus, tensile yield strength, and tensile strength at break.  Unlike ASTM D638, however, D882 is designed specifically for thin sheeting and film less than 1 mm (0.04″) thick.

ASTM D1002 – Standard Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of Single-Lap-Joint Adhesively Bonded Metal Specimens by Tension Loading (Metal-to-Metal)

ASTM D1002 is commonly performed to measure the shear strength of adhesives that are used to bond metals.  This test is similar to ASTM D3163 which is for adhesives that bond rigid plastic substrates, and also ASTM D3164 which is for plastic adhesives that are used to bond both plastic and metal substrates.  All three of these specifications use a single lap joint (lap shear) specimen to determine the shear strength of adhesives.

ASTM D1894 – Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting

ASTM D1894 is a testing standard designed to measure the friction of plastic film and sheeting.  This test method measures the initial and moving friction of one material being dragged across another, otherwise known as the static (initial) and kinetic (moving) coefficients of friction (COF).  ASTM D1894 is commonly used for plastic sheeting but you can adapt it for nearly any product or material (example: Friction of sneakers on anti-slip paint).  The test utilizes a standard universal testing machine, low force load cell, and a COF apparatus described in the specification (ADMET part number FS-CFT).  The initial force to move the sled is used to calculate the static COF, and the average force once the sled is moving is used to calculate the kinetic COF.

ASTM D2256 – Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Yarns by the Single-Strand Method

ASTM D2256 is by far the most common specification that is followed for determining the breaking strength, elongation, and energy of threads, yarns, or other single strand textiles.  This is a relatively simple tensile test whereby the material is pulled at a constant rate of speed until it breaks.

If the testing standard you need to meet is not on this list, don’t worry!  We have material testing solutions for many more testing standards that are not yet on this partial list.  To discuss your specific testing needs, complete an online Sales Inquiry or give us a call at (800) 667-3220.

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