ADMET’s eXpert 3900 series of testing machines are designed to perform tensile and compression static and fatigue tests quickly and into the millions of cycles. The eXpert 5900F is a standard eXpert 3900 series system modified and configured specifically for foam testing. Our goal was to design one system that can perform as many foam tests as possible. To date, this machine can perform tensile and elongation, tear, indentation force deflection (IFD), compression force deflection (CFD), hysteresis, constant force pounding (CFP), all ISO 2439 tests, and high speed (far above specification) recovery time tests on memory foam. Our software comes preloaded with all of these tests and users have full control to create their own. We’re constantly adding features to our software that enable greater testing versatility so if a new test is developed or you need specific capabilities, contact our sales engineers and we can most likely code it into our software. Learn more about the eXpert 5900 here.
To learn more about the eXpert 3900 and the other products and services ADMET offers, complete a Sales Inquiry or call us directly at (800) 667-3220