EN 14651 | Concrete | Flexural Testing
The EN 14651 European Test Standard determines the flexural tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete molded beam test specimens, both at the limit of proportionality, and the ensuing residual strength. A notch is saw cut into the bottom of a reinforced beam specimen to initiate a crack failure during a 3-point bend test on a Universal Testing Machine. The crack opening is measured throughout the entirety of the test by means of a Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) gauge placed at the notch. The resulting force vs. CMOD plot developed from the test is what determines the flexural tensile strength performance of the fiber reinforced concrete beam.
Before conducting EN 14651, it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant EN publication.
EN 14651 | Concrete | Tension Testing
- Prepare the test specimen into a prism shaped sample confirming to EN 12390-1. Cast and cure the specimens in compliance with EN 12350-1 and EN 12390-2 unless specified otherwise.
- Place and center the specimen between the two supporting rollers.
- Apply the force at a proper crosshead speed as recommended in the standard.
- Record the load and deflection at the moment of rupture
- Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD)
- Limit of Proportionality (LOP)
- Residual Flexural Tensile Strength
- Flex Fixture for EN 14651 cement testing mounted on a 2655 material testing machine
- Three point bending fixture used in EN 14651 testing with displacement transducer.
- eXpert 2654 equipped for EN 14651 cement testing.
- eXpert 2654 equipped for EN 14651 cement testing with CMOD transducer
EN 14651 | Concrete | Tension Testing
EN 14651 | Recommended Equipment |
Testing System | |
Fixturing |
Accessories |