eXpert 7600 | Accurate and Efficient
The eXpert 7600 series is a tabletop single-column testing machine capable of performing tension, compression, flexure, and peel/adhesion tests in an affordable and compact package. Efficient in design, units fit within a 431x520mm space with force capacities up to 5kN. These machines also feature the industry’s largest vertical test space, making them ideal for testing high elongation materials. ADMET offers a full line of grips, fixtures, load cells, extensometers, and heating and cooling systems. If your testing requires more than our standard systems offer, we can modify the stroke, and speed, or add a torsion actuator for biaxial tests to meet your needs.
ADMET eXpert 7600 Single Column Testing System
ADMET eXpert 7600XLT Single Column Testing Machine with Heating Chamber & Extensometer
- Texas A&M utilizes the eXpert 7601 to test the compressive modulus of 3D printed and bulk hydrogel
- To Determine the Peel Strength of Medical Tape, ADMET Recommends eXpert 7601 Adhesive Testing System
- ADMET releases eXpert 7601 for Adhesive and Peel Testing
- ASTM D1708 Plastic Microtensile Testing Equipment
- Performing an ASTM D3167 Adhesive Floating Roller Peel Test
- New Heating and Cooling Chamber Allows Use of Long Travel Extensometer
- ASTM D5458 Peel Cling of Stretch Wrap Film How to Guide
- Hook and loop fastener strength test on a universal testing machine
- 90 Degree Adhesive Peel Strength Test on a Universal Testing Machine
- ASTM D412 Tensile Strength Properties of Rubber and Elastomers
- National Institute of Health utilizes the eXpert 7601 for pull-off adhesion testing of porcine epicardial tissue and burst pressure testing of carotid arteries
- Los Alamos National Laboratory utilizes the eXpert 7601 to run ASTM D412 tensile testing and ASTM D4883 puncture testing on sPVC and APU ester specimens
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