Featured Configurations

Biaxial friction testing system

eXpert 7600 Biaxial Friction Testing System

The ADMET eXpert 7600 Baxial Friction Testing System has been designed to allow users to perform coefficient of friction tests on a variety of samples on a single easy-to-use and compact instrument.

eXpert 7600 configured for Adhesives Testing

eXpert 7601 Adhesive and Peel Testing System

This system has been configured to allow users to perform a wide variety of adhesive tests on a single easy to use and compact instrument.

eXpert 7601 configured for ASTM D1894 Friction Testing

eXpert 7601 D1894 Friction Testing System

This system has been configured for performing fiction testing. It includes everything you need to perform ASTM D1894 testing quickly and accurately.

eXpert 7601 XLT configured for ASTM D412 Friction Testing

eXpert 7601 XLT D412 Tension Testing System

This system has been configured for performing tension testing on rubber and elastomers. It includes everything you need to perform ASTM D412 testing quickly and accurately.

eXpert 7600 for syringe testing

eXpert 7600 for Syringe Testing

The ADMET eXpert 7600 syringe testing system has been configured to allow users to specifically perform syringe testing with the option to add additional fixtures and features to expand the machine’s capabilities.

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